We like to think of an event as a chest of drawers. Before we decide what to put in it, there’s a whole lot of work to do.
What will the chest of drawers look like – what will attract people to come and look in the drawers? Every event needs a theme, a logo, a tantalising identity that will catch the attention and capture the essence of the content and messaging. This will pervade the event, tying all the content together and leave a strong impression with the audience. It will be what people remember above all else.
What shape will the chest of drawers be, and how many drawers will it have? An analysis of your objectives, the people and content you’d like to use, will enable us to formulate an agenda or running order. Different sessions or experiences designed to each communicate and engage with your audience in different ways. There are multiple formats for us to choose from, from passive presentations to breakouts, interactive sessions and group activities to Q&A’s and one-to-one chats.
So what will each individual drawer be like? Our skill is to choose the right virtual event technology for each, recreating the in-person experience as closely as possible, including tools for:
- Video conferencing – combining the best tools for different purposes, including the main plenary, smaller meetings and one-to-one conversations
- Submitting questions and comments directly into a session
- Live voting and polling
- Social networking and messaging
- Setting personal agendas and even taking notes on meetings and sessions.
Finally, and most importantly, what will we put in the drawers?
This is where the fun really starts!
With a virtual event, content is king. In fact, content IS your event. So we will apply the same fresh thinking, creativity and rigour as we do to any event, to produce live and on demand content that is keenly focussed, engaging and memorable.
We will pre-plan and choreograph live web streams to ensure your presenters give the performance of their lives, providing them with the coaching, technologies and supporting visuals they need to get their messages across. We can adapt our approach to suit all current video conferencing tools, adding value through auto-prompt, graphical backgrounds and picture enhancement.
Our content development team can produce pre-recorded video content of all kinds, from serious interviews and documentary films to light comedies and fun animations, from high-impact event opening films to interstitial talking heads and audio inserts.
Our design team will get your virtual event off to a flying start with a bespoke and exciting graphical theme, adapted for use across your invites, website, app, video content and live streamed presentations. They can design or enhance your slide content to apply a consistent brand across all your messaging and produce animated stings to signpost different sections of your event and reinforce key themes.
Our writers and producers can work with you to produce scripts, copy, emails, audio tracks, voiceovers, to ensure all your content is polished and focussed on achieving your objectives.